
Friday, September 20, 2013

Our little Drama Queen (or King!)

Written June 21, 2013.

Button gave us yet another scare this morning. Despite spotting having lightened up significantly in the past 48 hours, I woke up to red blood again. Combine that fact with the lack of any significant symptoms, and my fears were through the roof. Thankfully, our wonderful medical team was quick-acting as always and brought us in for an ultrasound right away.

And you know what? Miracle of miracles, there was our little Button, measuring right on track (6 weeks, 1 day), with a measurable heartbeat! That's right--it was officially flickering right along at 129 bpm. That feels so good--especially since Beanster's heart rate was a bit on the slower side (111 bpm) at this point in that pregnancy.

Okay, Button, you got my attention. Now, could you stop stressing your momma out so much? She needs to stay healthy for you!

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