
Saturday, September 10, 2016

When we look at Lily's room, we still see you.

Just a week before I went into labor with Lily in February 2014, I wrote this post to celebrate all the love we felt when we looked around the nursery. In each blanket, each stuffed animal, each book, each dress, we saw the support of our friends and family from near and far.

The other day, I ran across that post again and began reflecting on how much has changed. Lily's closet and dresser are not nearly as neat; books are strewn across the floor thanks to her insistence on constant reading; "Dory Fish" is much loved and carried throughout the house, never left calmly on a shelf. However, the most important part of Lily's room has not changed a bit: we still see you.

That humidifier? It's been through several incarnations, but I still remember Jeff's cousin who swore to us that it would be incredibly necessary to get through winter cold and cough season: she was right. The xylophone was a gift for Lily's first birthday from Jeff's brother and sister-in-law that she still plays daily. And the stacks of clothes on the bottom shelf? Those are the generous hand-me-downs from countless colleagues who have prepared us for the years ahead.

No doubt, Lily's closet looks like barely organized chaos to anyone else. But we know that the bottom rack is full of more hand-me-downs that will dress Lily until she's at least 4, that there's a beautiful Laura Ashley lamp donated from a neighbor tucked in back and awaiting Lily's big girl room, and that the daisy dress on the top rack was a second birthday present from a neighbor who has become a close friend.

Perhaps people don't understand when I opt out of toddler book exchanges, but this is the beginning of why. These shelves are full of favorite books from Lily's godmothers and godfather, from aunts and uncles and grandparents, from friends near and far. When we open two (or three or four) to read each night, we often pause to tell Lily about the person who gave it to her, to remind her how many people around the globe love her and want to nurture her love of a good story. (Bonus points if you noticed what's at the center of the shelf on top--remember that whale?)

Lily tells us daily that she's a big girl, but a few things help remind us she's still our little Peanut. The blanket on the back of her rocker, sewed lovingly by hand by a friend I haven't had the chance to see in years, goes on the floor every night for story time. Her twilight turtle, given by a dear friend who I love despite never having met, has to be set to blue and placed on the footstool every night as she falls asleep. And those ribbons full of barrettes behind the chair? Many were handmade by a woman who has become one of my closest friends (and whose daughter is decidedly Lily's bestie!). But I'd be most remiss to move on from this photo without mentioning the painting hanging above the chair, a beautiful work by my talented sister-in-law that Lily loves to describe in detail.

This final photo wasn't a featured part of that original blog post on January 31, 2014, but it is now perhaps the place where I most see those who love Lily and who love us. There's a Winnie the Pooh from Ganny and Gannydaddy, purchased in anticipation of her first visit to Disney, and a Piglet purchased after her first time on the Winnie ride there. Dory Fish is now a crib regular and came from one of Jeff's dear friends, while Penguin was a recent arrival from Grandma and Grandpa. Petey the Pelican has been around since our first visit to Florida, and the hippo arrived from Lily's godfather along with a "first doctor" kit. And Otty the Otter? He's a recent addition, purchased during our trip to the Georgia Aquarium in Atlanta this June. If you peek through the slats at the far end of the bed, you'll even catch sight of a blue blanket, hand knit by one of my sweetest friends who is soon awaiting a little one of her own. Lily still uses that blanket daily, except now it's Sheepie and Lambie who are rocked gently in it, rather than her.

And so this post is to say thank you. Thank you to all of you who invest in Lily and in us, who support us and bolster us and speak words of wisdom and truth. We are all better for having you in our lives.