
Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas Day 2013

A disclaimer: I'm a bit belated in getting this post up, but with good reason: first thing on December 26, we headed north for 5 days in Connecticut with friends and family. It was a wonderful but exhausting whirlwind; we're ready to get our feet back on the ground and our heads back in preparations for our little girl's arrival in just over 6 weeks (if she's kind enough to wait that long!).

Our first "home" Christmas was indulgent, lazy, joyful, and perfect--we couldn't have asked for more! Remember that grocery list from my Christmas Eve post? Well, that means the morning started with Jeff flipping eggnog-soaked challah French toast while I prepared bowls of fresh fruit and berries and sipped some delicious chocolate-hazelnut coffee.

After we'd stuffed ourselves while watching Elf, it was time to open some stockings. First up, of course, were the 4-legged children, who never seem to tire of finding Party Mix (affectionately known as "kitty crack" in our family) in their stockings. 

However, Jeff found an extra-special treat for this year, though they had to take turns wearing their festive Christmas finest.

Guillie seemed most persecuted by the whole ordeal, while Rosie happily curled up in front of the fire and completely forgot she was wearing it (though her jingling amused us all day!).

With the 4-legged children satiated with treats and new toys, we turned our attention to Button--who has a very special stocking indeed.

Here are two things you might not know: 1) in spite of the embellishments, this stocking was hand-sewn for me 5 years ago, not for Button, and 2) it was hand-crafted by Jeff.

That's right: Jeff made this stocking. He found the fabric in a bag in my closet, not knowing that it was the fabric from a chair and sofa in my childhood living room--the one where all my Christmas memories were born. He used another stocking to create a template, then hand-sewed the fabric together (having never sewed before), adding the buttons at the end. I love this stocking so much, but we decided this year that it clearly has been Button's all along, so we put a few of her presents in it this year.

Truly, I think opening the presents for the kittens and Button was the best part of the morning, but we enjoyed the ones we'd created for each other, too!

After stockings were opened, we spent a bit of time finishing up a Christmas puzzle my mum had given us before bundling up for a chilly but wonderful midday walk in a nearby park.

Once we returned from the frosty outdoors, our tummies were grumbling, which clearly meant it was time to eat again! As Jeff got the fire going, I put out a spread of cheese, pate, toasted baguettes, stuffed mushrooms, and other goodies.

To finish off the delightful day, we headed to our beloved neighbors for a nightcap and a chat--not surprisingly, I only made it until 10pm before Button and I were ready to snuggle in for a long winter's nap!


  1. It sounds like a wonderful day. Happy New Year!

  2. What a great relaxing Christmas day. It sounds about like ours, full of food, movies and fun. Merry Christmas!
