
Sunday, December 8, 2013

Celebrating Button

Back in August, my friend, M, asked me about a date for Button's shower. (M has been walking this journey with us for a long time--she's the one who first introduced us to Shady Grove Fertility, she's been by my side through both heartbreaking losses, and she's overjoyed to celebrate this tiny life now.) When she asked about a date, we decided on December 7, but it seemed so hypothetical, like so many things would have to go right to make the day actually arrive as planned. Even as I dressed for the shower yesterday, I felt like a bit of a fraud, like it wasn't possible that we'll be holding our little girl in 10 short weeks, like everyone was celebrating something that was perhaps a figment of my imagination. But then Button walloped me with a hard kick to the right, and everything shifted into focus: this is for real.

So, on December 7, 2013, at 2:00pm, ten women who I love gathered to celebrate Button. From the moment I walked in the door, I was overwhelmed--yes, by the delicious food, adorable clothing, beautiful decorations, and piles of sweetly wrapped gifts--but more by the women there, the ones who have walked by our sides through heartache and who want nothing more than to share our exuberant joy today.

Here's just a small smattering of how they showered her--and me--with love.

To make sure Button will always be as stylish as her Auntie K, 
K filled two clotheslines with absolutely adorable and impossibly tiny onesies, socks,
shoes, sweaters, hats, and shoes!
(If you look closely, you'll even see the mini pair of Uggs!)

Bunches of baby's breath, scrolls with baby trivia about me and my birth year, 
and sweet pots of honey awaited the guests.

Surrounded by such overwhelming generosity, I could hardly take it all in.

Though my mum couldn't be there, she sent along a bag of goodies that included
an "open-the-flap" book of Bible stories and a sweet little stuffed lamb who plays "Jesus Loves Me."

From my best friend, L, came an adorable sink protector for bathing Button--
which can also double as a beautiful Derby Day hat for mama!

M filled a basket with assorted goodies, and she's also the photographer for this picture,
which is perhaps one of my favorites of the day.

The onesie I'm holding up in the previous photo is the one you can see here;
it proclaims our gratitude to Shady Grove Fertility!

Button's quickly growing closet!

As the shower wound down, I tried to put into words my gratitude, but M was quick to quiet me. "Tory," she said, "this is just an extension of the love we already have for you and Jeff." 

How right she is--and how blessed and loved our little girl is already.


  1. I love this! And you look lovely!

  2. You look so very happy--and BEAUTIFUL. That Button of yours is so very blessed, but she has been since the beginning because she has you and Jeff as parents. Love these updates...

  3. Tory, I stopped in to check on you because I haven't been on the boards in ages. I'm *so* happy to see that you're getting ready to meet your little girl! Sending you many, many good vibes for an easy breezy labor - enjoy the rest of the pregnancy before your bundle of joy arrives. (pinktrojangirl120107)
