
Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Final Countdown (T-19 days!)

Up until last October, 37 weeks was considered a "full term" pregnancy. However, according to the new definition (endorsed by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecology), a "full term" pregnancy--one that has the lowest risks for the baby--occurs between 39 and 40 weeks. (To learn more about why waiting until at least 39 weeks to consider an induction is imperative, you can read this article from the March of Dimes.) So, while the 37-week milestone has perhaps lost a bit of its sparkly shine, we're excited to be here nonetheless!

Here's how things are looking in our house as we await Button's arrival (and, if you can, please set the photos below to the sounds of "The Final Countdown"--which Jeff now sings to Button nightly):

Rosie is making the best of what little lap is left...

However, since the preheated furniture is quickly diminishing in size,
she is getting creative about how she keeps warm.

Guillie is also considering new sleeping arrangements
as she takes the bassinet for a test drive...

And Ozzy is a big advocate of the pack 'n' play for nap time
(as is Guillie).

A sizable Virginia snowstorm resulted in two snow days--
and a chance to take Button's snowsuit for a test drive!

And Jeff seems to be finding me in the kitchen
at all hours of the day and night--
our little girl is making me ravenous as she packs on those final pounds!

This week, I think I've learned that being prepared for Button's arrival has a whole lot less to do with putting together a crib or washing tiny clothes. Instead, the best preparations we can make right now are maintaining our senses of humor and finding ways to revel in each day we've still got as just us two five!


  1. This whole post had me giggling. You and your little furbabies are too cute!

  2. I'm with Stasy, awesome post! I especially love the last pictures of you with your arms full of snacks. :P

    I can't wait to hear of Button's safe arrival in 2 weeks time! :D
