
Sunday, February 8, 2015

Dear Lily: You're (almost) 52 Weeks

Dear Lily,

I used to be so annoyed by parents who would say their child was "40 weeks" or "15 months." It seems like, past the point of 12 weeks, parents should start counting in months; past the point of 12 months, parents should start counting in half years; past the point of 3 years, parents should just count in years. And yet, as your first birthday looms on the horizon tomorrow, I find myself clinging to the hours, scarcely able to admit that you're no longer my tiny baby. Even throughout last week, as we'd encounter strangers at the grocery store or Virginia Kitchen and they'd ask your age, I was quick to reply, "Oh, she'll be a year next weekend." Because, just for today, you're still 11 months and change.

Today is your first birthday party--a small gathering of some of your favorite people, the people who have supported us and loved you since before you were born. In a few hours, there will be a flurry of activity as we get everything ready by putting finishing touches on your cake and dressing you in a very special first birthday dress from your granddaddy. But, right now, in this moment, you are sound asleep on my chest. It feels so much like those early days when I watched hours of Netflix on my phone while maintaining perpetual motion in the glider. Now, your body stretches beyond the length of my torso; your toes tap at my knees. But when I look at your face, lips slightly parted, eyes peacefully shut, breaths deep and steady--when I look just there, you are my tiny baby again.

This is the best present I could ask for, my love. Thank you for this morning of just us two, for these sweet snuggles with my baby Button. You can grow bigger tomorrow, but I'm so grateful you were willing to stay little today.

With love,
Your mama


  1. I'm so happy she gave you those sweet snuggle moments. And I can't believe she is now a year old.I can't wait to hear all about the adventures of this next year, as she develops into more of the little person she is. Happy birthday Lily!

  2. After the years of working with 1 and 2 year olds, I totally get counting months until 2. There's such a difference between 14 months and 18 months. Just promise me you won't be calling her your 36 month old! ;)

    I can't believe your precious girl is almost a year old! Happy, happy birthday Lily! <3

  3. Also, sorry if you got a notification a bunch of times. I tried commenting from my wordpress log in but it kept spazzing out!
